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Transatlantic alliance at a crossroads
For more: https://ift.tt/LahgbFl
Europe stands at a historic crossroads in its quest for true independence, as the U.S. engages with Russia over the Ukraine conflict at Europe’s expense. In response, the EU has proposed borrowing 150 billion euros for a major rearmament push, while Germany’s parliament has approved a plan to inject up to 1 trillion euros into its military and infrastructure. These moves are part of the EU’s broader strategy to strengthen its military by 2030 and reduce reliance on Washington. With an opportunity to decouple from the U.S., can the EU rise to assert itself as an independent power? What will European autonomy look like in the coming years? And if true independence is achieved, what will be its global impact?
Guests in this edition of Dialogue are Brandon Andrews, former Hill staffer and entrepreneur; Mark Pinner, head of communications of BE Education Group; and Harvey Dzodin, senior fellow at the Center for China and Globalization.
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