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Is conflict in the Arctic a real threat or just hype? | Start Here
Donald Trump has been talking about buying Greenland, but the backdrop is a bigger story about competing interests and growing competition in the Arctic, a region where big global powers collide. So what’s going on? How real is the threat of war? And how much of it is hype? #AJStartHere with Sandra Gathmann explains.
Chapters: 00:00 – Intro 00:53 – What is the Arctic? 01:35 – How climate change is affecting the Arctic 02:10 – Russia v NATO and the power politics of the Arctic 02:53 – Russia’s collaboration with China in the Arctic 03:51 – How Trump’s new foreign policy could change things 04:21 – Why countries are interested in the Arctic for economic reasons 06:10 – Is there a race for resources in the Arctic? 07:40 – Why does Trump want Greenland? 09:11 – How real is the threat of war in the Arctic?
This episode features: Christina Henriksen | Saami Council member Andreas Østhagen | Senior researcher, Fridtjof Nansen Institute Mathieu Boulègue | Global fellow, Polar Institute, Wilson Center Aaja Chemnitz | Greenland MP, Inuit Ataqatigiit Party
You can find all Start Here episodes here: https://bit.ly/3o0BEIW Subscribe Al Jazeera so you don’t miss future episodes: http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe Follow Sandra Gathmann on Instagram and X: @SandraGathmann
#Greenland #Arctic #DonaldTrump #ClimateChange #Russia #NATO #China #StartHere
from Al Jazeera English