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Israel retaking control of Netzarim Corridor, expanding ‘buffer’ in Gaza: Military
The Israeli military says its ongoing escalation in Gaza, which has already killed at least 436 people, is intended to create a “partial buffer” in the territory. In a post on X, the military wrote that over the past 24 hours, its forces “have begun a focused ground operation in the center of the Gaza Strip and in the south with the aim of expanding the security area and creating a partial buffer between the north and south of the Strip”. It added that as part of the operation, Israeli forces retook control of the Netzarim Corridor, from which they had withdrawn in February under phase one of the ceasefire. The Israeli-established corridor separates northern Gaza from the south. Palestinians are once again being forced to leave areas they call home.
Al Jazeera’s Hamdah Salhut reports from Amman, Jordan.
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