藤田ニコル、芸能生活15周年で誹謗中傷に立ち向かう!「人をけなす時代は終わろう」 #藤田ニコル #芸能生活 #誹謗中傷 #15周年NEW! (3/25)
松本人志「飲み会裁判」で新証拠続々!「馬乗り写真」未公開カット&女性告白動画が波紋NEW! (3/25)
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【芸能】香川照之、20代後半一般女性と再婚&一子誕生 所属事務所が発表「感謝の気持ちを忘れず精進」 #香川照之 #再婚 #芸能人の結婚NEW! (3/25)
China-ASEAN shared future: Peace, prosperity, and sustainability
For more: https://ift.tt/qYPfcDy
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and China are working toward a shared future based on long-term peace, economic prosperity, and environmental sustainability. ASEAN Secretary-General Kao Kim Hourn emphasizes that China’s initiatives, including the Global Development Initiative and the vision of a China-ASEAN community with a shared future, align with ASEAN’s priorities. He highlights the importance of strengthening economic cooperation, expanding green investments, and ensuring people-centered development. He notes that deeper collaboration is essential to tackling global challenges and securing a better future for generations to come.
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