日枝久出てこい フジテレビ取締役相談役が退任、経営体制の大幅刷新NEW! (3/27)
【YOSHIKI緊急帰国】X JAPANリーダー、喪服自撮りで話題「身内に不幸」報告に反響続々 #YOSHIKI #XJAPAN #緊急帰国 #炎上 #ヴィジュアル系 #音楽ニュース #訃報NEW! (3/27)
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【伝説のスター】沢田研二&新御三家「ジュリー郷」と「秀樹五郎」の黄金時代 #沢田研二 #新御三家 #ジュリー郷 #秀樹五郎 #昭和歌謡NEW! (3/27)
【NHK訴訟】未契約世帯に受信料+割増金請求を提訴 東京簡裁で3世帯が対象 #NHK #受信料 #訴訟 #放送法 #契約義務NEW! (3/27)
Live: Explore Asia’s largest flower market and see the blooming ‘romantic economy’
Thanks to the upgrading of the industrial chain and the rapid development of e-commerce platforms, flowers from Dounan Flower Market in southwest China’s Kunming City, Yunnan Province, are now sold to more than 50 countries and regions overseas. The trading volume last year reached a staggering 11.5 billion yuan ($1.6 billion), and the total import and export volume of flowers hit a record high. It is not only Asia’s largest fresh flower trading market but also a national 3A-level tourist scenic area. Follow reporter Zhang Zhenni and guest Bui Thi Tuyen, a student at Yunnan University from Vietnam, to embark on a wonderful floral journey, get to know this shining pearl of Asia’s flower trade, and experience the vivid practice of Chinese-style modernization. #AdvancingModernization #ChinaAsia2025
from CGTN