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The enduring melody: Yu Opera’s new verse
For more: https://ift.tt/nUON124
"#YuOpera is a melody pulsing within the very blood of Henan’s people!" Fan Jun, vice chairman of the China Quyi Artists Association, captured the enduring vitality of this art form, which has echoed through the Central Plains for centuries. Today, this ancient tree, rooted deep in the Yellow River’s soil, is sprouting vibrant new growth.
What captivating encounter awaits when Chang Xiaoyu, eldest daughter and disciple of Master Chang Xiangyu and a guardian of the traditional Chang school’s precise vocal style, meets Zhu Xuguang, a young actress of the Youth Troupe of Henan Yu Opera Theatre infusing modern aesthetics into classic costumes?
Join us as we explore the delicate balance of preservation and innovation in Yu Opera’s rich heritage and witness its remarkable renaissance in the modern age.
Video editors: Wang Qianhui, Zhao Ying, Wang Yichuan
Cinematographers: Wang Yue, Guo Huakang, Fu Xiaolei
Cover designer: Liu Shaozhen
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