Reckless Biker Causes Bus To Topple In Maharashtra, 37 Injured | India Today
A bus toppled on the Latur-Nanded highway in Maharashtra after a reckless biker took an abrupt turn, causing the driver to lose control. The incident resulted in injuries to 37 people, with five in serious condition. Two individuals lost limbs in the accident. The injured are receiving treatment at Reshmukh Hospital in Latur. This incident highlights the dangers of reckless driving on Indian roads. #maharashtraaccident #roadsafety #laturaccident #itwebvideos #busaccident #recklessdriving #trafficsafety #highwaysafety #publictransport #emergencyresponse #indiaroads #accidentprevention #maharashtranews #roadaccidents #safedriving #indiatoday
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