BJP Attacks Samajwadi Party Over Aurangzeb Praise By MLA Abu Azmi | India Today
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath criticises Samajwadi Party for allegedly glorifying Mughal emperor Aurangzeb. He challenges SP to expel Abu Azmi or accept Aurangzeb as their idol. SP spokesperson Ghanshyam Tiwari responds by comparing Adityanath’s governance to Aurangzeb’s rule, citing similarities in their approaches. The debate touches on historical figures, political ideologies, and current governance practices in Uttar Pradesh. #yogiadityanath #samajwadiparty #aurangzeb #itwebvideos #uttarpradesh #politicaldebate #bjp #indiatoday #abuazmi #ghanshyamtiwari #indianpolitics #historicalfigures #governance
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