India First With Gaurav Sawant: Terror Expands in Pakistan, Jaish-e-Muhammad Base Grows
India Today exposes the expansion of Jaish-e-Muhammad’s base in Bahawalpur, Pakistan, less than three years after the country’s removal from the FATF greylist. Satellite imagery reveals the Subhanallah Mosque compound has doubled in size to over 18 acres since 2011-12. This expansion occurs despite Pakistan’s claims of improved counter-terror financing. Meanwhile, terror attacks continue in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, with the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan claiming responsibility for a recent strike in Bannu. #indiatoday #jaishemuhammad #terrorinpakistan #itwebvideos #fatfgreylist #bahawalpurbase #masoodazhar #ttp #bannuattack #khyberpakhtunkhwa #counterterrorfinancing #satelliteimagery #indiafirst
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