김밥 짓뭉개기 ‘챌린지’‥폐 안 끼친다는 일본이? (2025.03.07/뉴스투데이/MBC)
한때 일본에선, 식당 간장병을 핥거나, 사용한 이쑤시개를 다시 집어넣는 영상을, SNS에 올리는 게 유행이었는데요. 이번엔 편의점 진열대 음식을 뭉갠 다음, 다시 제자리에 놓는 민폐 동영상이 논란이 되고 있습니다.
#일본, #편의점, #음식뭉개기 #MBC #뉴스 #뉴스데스크 #MBC뉴스 #뉴스투데이 ㅤ ⓒ MBC & iMBC 무단 전재, 재배포 및 이용(AI학습 포함)금지
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Japanese “Kimbap Crushing Challenge” Raises Concerns: MBC News Report
On March 7, 2025, MBC News reported on a controversial social media trend in Japan known as the “Kimbap Crushing Challenge.” This trend has sparked discussions about food waste and public health concerns9.
The “Kimbap Crushing Challenge” involves:
Participants visiting convenience stores
Deliberately crushing or damaging kimbap (Korean rice rolls) on display
Posting videos of the act on social media platforms
This is not the first time Japan has seen controversial food-related social media challenges:
Previous trends included licking soy sauce bottles in restaurants
Returning used toothpicks to communal containers
These past incidents caused significant public health concerns and backlash9.
Surprisingly, some in Japan argue that these challenges do not cause significant harm:
Claim that damaged products are typically discarded anyway
Suggest the trend is merely a form of social media entertainment
However, this viewpoint is being met with criticism both domestically and internationally9.
The “Kimbap Crushing Challenge” has raised several issues:
Food waste in a world facing food security challenges
Potential health hazards if damaged products are unknowingly sold
Disrespect towards food and cultural insensitivity
Negative impact on store owners and employees
The trend has garnered attention beyond Japan’s borders, particularly in South Korea, where kimbap originates. The challenge is seen as potentially damaging to Japan’s image and its relations with neighboring countries.
As this trend continues to spread on social media, it remains to be seen how authorities and platforms will respond to curb this controversial behavior.