Breaking News: China Rolls Over $2 Billion Loan To Pakistan Amidst IMF Bailout Review | India Today
Pakistan receives a $2 billion loan rollover from China, as confirmed by the finance minister’s advisor. This comes as Pakistan works to strengthen its finances following a $7 billion IMF bailout secured in September 2024. The first installment of the IMF loan is under review, with potential for an additional $1 billion. Pakistan faces over $22 billion in external debt repayments for fiscal year 2025, including $13 billion in bilateral deposits. #chinapakistanloan #imfbailout #pakistaneconomy #itwebvideos #externaldebt #financialaid #southasianeconomy #indiatodaydigital #globalfinance #economicrecovery #bilateralrelations #debtmanagement #fiscalyear2025 #internationalmonetaryfund #cashstrappednation #fitchratings Subscribe to India Today for NEW VIDEOS EVERY DAY and make sure to enable Push Notifications so you’ll never miss a new video.
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