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How Forever 21 Went From $4B in Sales to Going Bankrupt Twice | WSJ What Went Wrong
Forever 21 was once the premier shopping destination for teens who wanted cheap and fashionable clothing. But now, the fast fashion pioneer is filing for its second Chapter 11 bankruptcy. After being bought out by licensing firm Authentic Brands Group and real-estate companies Simon Property Group and Brookfield Property Partners, Forever 21 struggled against Asian e-commerce powerhouses like Shein and Temu.
WSJ breaks down how its own market toppled the fast fashion giant.
Chapters: 0:00 Forever 21’s troubles 0:34 The rise 1:55 Turning point 3:18 The buyout 4:17 Second bankruptcy 5:16 What’s next?
What Went Wrong explores the challenging conditions and decisions that led to a company’s downturn.
#Forever21 #Fashion #WSJ
from The Wall Street Journal
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Here’s the YouTube video for this article