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How Israel is weaponsing water in Gaza | People & Power Documentary
The People & Power team travelled through Gaza just weeks before October 7, 2023 to document Israel’s weaponising of water. The situation already seemed desperate back then.
As a ceasefire came into place in January this year, our team in Gaza went to look for the people they met 18 months earlier.
Most of Gaza’s remaining water infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed. Israel’s cutting of external water supplies and systematic destruction of water facilities have reduced the amount of water available to Palestinians in Gaza to as little as 2 litres per person a day. Water-borne diseases are running rampant through communities.
Thirst Among the Ruins tells the story of the systematic targeted obliteration of Gaza’s water infrastructure by Israel, and how it violates international humanitarian law.
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Filmmakers: Jerome Evans Sami Zyara Ashraf Mashharawi
Camera Operators: Ramy Zuhd Ramzi Abu Awimer Media Town Company
Producer: Sarah Head
Music: James Broughton Stephen Darrell Smith
Graphics: North19 Productions Sound Mixing: Claudia Rangel, Estudios Rangel Finishing Editor: Anna Prokou Sound Editor: Linus Bergman Translator: Ghallab Qawas Subtitles Editor: Riham Mansour Senior Subtitles Editor: Mays Elshobasy
Digital Producer: Riham Mansour Production Executive: Ciara Richmond Executive Producer: Alexandra Pauliat With thanks to: Medical Aid for Palestinians Human Rights Watch Nizam Mamode Sara Elizabeth Dill James Smith Planet Labs PBC Room With A View Studios
#documentary #israel #palestine #israelgazawar #gaza #aljazeera #aljazeeraenglish #aljazeeranewslive
from Al Jazeera English