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Are Gen Z rejecting city life for farm life? | The Stream
Faced with burnout, soaring rents, and a yearning for a slower, more intentional life, Gen Z is leaving cities behind for farms. From homesteading to off-grid communities, young people are redefining success through self-sufficiency and sustainability. But is rural life truly the answer, or does it bring its own set of challenges? With increasing land costs, social isolation, and infrastructure limitations, can this movement endure? We hear from those embracing this shift. Is rural living the key to a healthier, more sustainable society?
Presenter: Anelise Borges
Guests: Shannon Hayes – CEO, SAP Bush Hollow Farm Victor Gabriel Lara – Creative Director Patrick Vernuccio – Urban gardening content creator and author Mohammed Ali Al Khater – Co-Founder and CEO, Torba Farm
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from Al Jazeera English