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How Israel shattered the ceasefire in Gaza | The Listening Post
The ceasefire brokered by President Donald Trump in January barely lived up to its name. Despite the deal, Israel continued its attacks on Gaza, killing more than 150 Palestinians in just eight weeks.
The last remnants of hope were shattered as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu launched one of the deadliest bombing campaigns since the genocide began – followed by a ground invasion.
Israeli outlets have largely ignored the human toll while Western journalists, despite mounting criticism, remain stuck in familiar patterns of reporting.
Contributors: Dalal Iriqat – Associate professor, Arab American University Palestine Haggai Matar – Executive director, +972 Magazine Assal Rad – Middle East scholar and author Nathan Thrall – Jerusalem-based writer
On our radar
The arrest of Istanbul’s mayor and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s strongest challenger, Ekrem Imamoglu, has set off a political firestorm in Turkiye.
As mass demonstrations erupt nationwide and social media platforms are throttled, Meenakshi Ravi reports on one of the biggest protest waves Turkiye has seen in a decade and how it’s testing the limits of the government’s control.
Israel’s settlers: from margin to mainstream
From rampaging through the occupied West Bank to setting their sights on colonising Gaza, Israel’s settlers wield more power now than ever before. Once unthinkable to many Israelis, their calls to re-establish settlements in the Gaza Strip have entered the mainstream media discussion.
The Listening Post’s Nic Muirhead reports on how the Israeli media have helped catapult the settlers from the margins to the mainstream.
Featuring: Hilla Dayan – Sociologist, University of Amsterdam Nimrod Nir – Political psychologist, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Oren Ziv – Photojournalist, +972 Magazine
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from Al Jazeera English