科技现代化是实现中国式现代化的关键 Sci-tech modernization is the key to Chinese modernization | CCTV
太空?探索了!深海?突破了!新能源+数字科技?直接拉满!中国科技一路狂飙,带动国内高质量发展,影响全球。但故事不止于此:科技现代化如何助力中国式现代化?中国的探索和经验,又能为世界提供哪些启发?全球大咖观点碰撞,一起来看! Space? Explored.Deep sea? Conquered.EVs and digital tech? Leveled up.China’s tech game is strong — driving high-quality development at home and adding serious momentum to global progress. But here’s the real question:How does all this innovation fuel Chinese modernization?And why are leaders and experts around the world paying such close attention?Tap in — and see for yourself.
#读懂中国式现代化 #CCTV
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