Calling Rohit Sharma Fat My Right To Express: Congress Leader Shama Mohamed Defends Statement
Congress spokesperson Shama Mohamed’s comment on Indian cricket captain Rohit Sharma’s fitness has sparked a political controversy. The BJP has criticised the remark, seeking responses from Congress leadership. Mohammed defended her statement, citing it as a generic comment on sportsperson fitness. The incident occurs amidst India’s recent cricket successes, including reaching the semi-finals of the ongoing Champions Cup. #shamamohamed #rohitsharma #fatshaming #itwebvideos #cricketcontroversy #congressvsbjp #indiancricket #fitnessdebate #politicsinsport #t20worldcup #odiworldcup #championscup #viratkohli #cricketcaptain #bjpvscongress #indianpolitics #cricketfitness Subscribe to India Today for NEW VIDEOS EVERY DAY and make sure to enable Push Notifications so you’ll never miss a new video.
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