Delhi Government Shuts Down 250 Mohalla Clinics, AAP Alleges BJP To Stop Free Power And Water
The Delhi government has announced the closure of 250 mohalla clinics, as stated by Health Minister Pankaj Singh. This decision follows criticism from Chief Minister Rekha Gupta, who previously called the clinics a scam with unused infrastructure and lack of doctors and medicines. In response, the Aam Aadmi Party claims that the BJP will soon stop free power and water services in Delhi. #delhigovernment #mohallaclinics #aap #itwebvideos #bjp #freeservices #delhihealthcare #rekhagupta #pankajsingh #clinicclosure #delhipolitics #arvindkejriwal #adheshiraines #healthinfrastructure #delhinews #indiatoday
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