Delhi Road Renaming Row: BJP MPs Change Tughlaq Lane To Swami Vivekananda Marg | India Today
BJP MPs Dinesh Sharma and Krishna Pal Gurjar have replaced nameplates on their Delhi residences, changing Tughlaq Lane to Swami Vivekananda Marg. This move has triggered opposition criticism, with Congress calling it communal politics. The BJP defends the change as a tribute to Vivekananda’s ideals. Questions arise about the legality of the renaming, as official approval from NDMC is unclear. #delhirenaming #tughlaqlane #vivekanandamarg #itwebvideos #bjpnamechange #delhistreets #roadrenaming #politicalcontroversy #bjpvscongress #delhipolitics #streetnaming #vivekanandatribute #namechangerow #delhigovernment #bjpinitiative #oppositioncriticism
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