Youngest MP Pushpendra Saroj Urges Youth Of India to Engage in Politics
Pushpendra Saroj, the youngest MP in Parliament, called upon the youth to join politics, as he believed the country could benefit from their ‘vision, ideas, and energy.’ For Pushpendra, who turned 26 on March 1, real change can only come when young people from all walks of life join politics and become lawmakers. "I think the youth should come forward and engage in political discussions," Pushpendra said while speaking at the India Today Conclave, emphasising, "When the youth take to the ground, change can happen." #indiatoday #indiatodayconclave25 #pushpendrasaroj #itwebvideos #samajwadiparty #indianparliament #youngestmp #youthinpolitics #politicalengagement #youthparticipation #indianpolitics Subscribe to India Today for NEW VIDEOS EVERY DAY and make sure to enable Push Notifications so you’ll never miss a new video.
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