Protesters drench Israeli Embassy in red paint
Clashes erupted in Warsaw as Polish police confronted activists who splattered the Israeli embassy with red paint, a symbolic protest against Israel’s ongoing military actions in Gaza. The demonstration reflects a growing wave of global dissent, as outrage over Israel’s offensive spreads beyond the Middle East into Western capitals.
The confrontation in Poland is part of a broader trend of shifting public opinion, particularly in the United States, where support for Israel has dropped to its lowest level in 25 years. A recent Gallup poll found that only 46 percent of Americans now sympathise more with Israelis than Palestinians, a stark contrast to previous decades when Israel enjoyed consistent majority backing. Meanwhile, sympathy for Palestinians has surged to an unprecedented 33 percent, signaling a shift in how Americans perceive the conflict.
Historically, the U.S. has been one of Israel’s staunchest allies, with public opinion largely favouring the Israeli side. However, the ongoing war in Gaza, mounting civilian casualties, and reports of human rights abuses have led to a significant reassessment, especially among younger and more progressive demographics. The protests in Warsaw echo similar demonstrations across Europe and the U.S., where calls for an end to Israeli military actions are growing louder.
This shift in sentiment is also playing out politically. While President Donald Trump received some credit for brokering past ceasefires, only 40 percent of Americans approved of his handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, slightly below his overall approval rating. As the war in Gaza continues, the pressure on Western governments—including Israel’s key allies—will likely intensify, with protests and diplomatic tensions expected to persist.
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