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Fighting for justice as a rape survivor in India | Now You Know
In India, a woman or girl is raped every 16 minutes, according to India’s National Crime Records Bureau. “To Kill a Tiger” tells the powerful story of a 13-year-old survivor and her father’s fight to get justice for his daughter – a fight that ultimately led to the three accused being sentenced to 25 years in prison each.
On this week’s episode of Now You Know, we speak to director Nisha Pahuja who captures this battle in her Oscar-nominated documentary. We also speak to a sexual violence expert about the justice system in India, and how the lack of implementation of the law coupled with systemic barriers makes justice hard to attain.
In this episode: – Nisha Pahuja, Director | To Kill a Tiger – Sharmila (Mona) Sinha, CEO | EqualityNow
Episode credits: This episode was produced by Fahrinisa Campana, Zaina Badr, and our Host, Samantha Johnson.
Munera AlDosari is the engagement producer. Aya Elmileik is our lead of engagement.
Our sound designer is Joe Plourde. Our video editor is Catherine Hallinan.
Jo de Frias is Now You Know’s executive producer. Ney Alvarez is Al Jazeera’s head of audio.
from Al Jazeera English