Behind the ‘de minimis’ exemption: The dangers of Trump’s tariffs onslaught
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With U.S. President Donald Trump focusing on tariffs since he took office, the world is bracing for a global trade shock. The recent tweak on the "de minimis" policy, a provision that allows low-cost goods, especially from e-commerce sites, to enter the U.S. without facing taxes, is now sparking concerns about its possible ripple effect on businesses and consumers. How will it affect manufacturing and exporting firms, especially in China, and in what way can it hurt the U.S. economy at large? In this edition of The Hub, Wang Guan talks to Deborah Elms, head of Trade Policy at the Hinrich Foundation; Charles Liu, senior fellow at the Taihe Institute; and Han Hua, co-founder and secretary general of the Beijing Club for International Dialogue, to look at Trump’s raft of protectionist measures affecting trade and supply chains globally and discuss their disruptive effect. Wang Guan also poses the question whether Chinese SOEs and SMEs are prepared and resilient enough to face this U.S. tariffs onslaught, and what the WTO can do about it.
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