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We Talk: International students share youth cultural exchange experiences
For more: https://ift.tt/Mj6zRl7
The Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference 2025 will be held from March 25 to 28 in Boao, south China’s Hainan Province, with the theme "Asia in the Changing World: Towards a Shared Future." This year’s event will focus on development, foster dialogue, explore innovative formats and value tangible outcomes, all aimed at promoting international development and cooperation, according to BFA’s official website.
In this video, students from Malaysia, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan and Vietnam share their experiences in intercultural exchange activities in China, and the role of youth in intercultural exchange activities. Vietnamese student Do Pham Ngoc Die recalled her experience of participating in the "Global Village" activity at Tsinghua University, where students from different countries wore their distinctive costumes and exchanged their cultures through music and food. She noted that cross-cultural communication helps individuals from diverse backgrounds to break down barriers, enhance mutual understanding, and foster a stronger sense of identity among each other.
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